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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Kindle Countdown Deal

Kindle Countdown Deal
Starts Today!!

In other news...
There will be a new feature coming to the blog soon. Just my way, as an Indie Author, to help other indie authors out. I will feature a new author, book or series and include links to their books, website, blogs and author pages. Stick around and check it out. Discover new authors, new books and who knows, maybe you'll fall in love with a brand new series!
(This will also include free books, Kindle Unlimited books, discounted books and new releases!)

I will be posting the link (and the submission form) so Indie Authors, as well as readers, can recommend their favorites!

As always, thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Exciting Announcements!

A few exciting announcements!
First up...

I would like to thank everyone that has already purchased a copy of "V.I.P" over the last year, and those that have read it FREE with Kindle Unlimited. In honor of the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of its release, I wanted to announce that it will be going on sale Wednesday May, 10th! This will be a week long Kindle Countdown Deal on Amazon, and for the first 72 hours, it will only cost .99¢.

*Date of sale changed from May 22nd to May 10th due to issues with Amazon

Title Reveal...

Also, I wanted to reveal the title of my next, full-length novel. It will be for sale on Amazon, soon, for $3.99 (subject to change).

"The Omnes Chronicles: Sacrifice"

is book one in a three part series that can only be described as a historical paranormal/supernatural saga.

As launch day approaches, I will be revealing the cover, synopsis and, of course, the date it will be live, and available for purchase on my Amazon sales page.
For now, here is a one line excerpt that as posted yesterday as part of #1LineWed, a hashtag on social media that prompts authors to share one line from their current work in progress. I recently hit 100k words, and the final process of editing and formatting has begun! 

Excerpt from book one of "The Omnes Chronicles: Sacrifice"

Stay tuned for more...
and as always, thanks for reading!